[GitHub] smoyer64 commented on issue #3: [DIRAPI-324] commons-lang and commons-collections are updated
2018-11-16 15:11:59 UTC
smoyer64 commented on issue #3: [DIRAPI-324] commons-lang and commons-collections are updated
URL: https://github.com/apache/directory-ldap-api/pull/3#issuecomment-439423332

@elecharny I've been working with JUnit 5 for a couple years and I'm also part of a team that's building community tooling to enhance the core engine. We have a conversion tool that for certain types of tests can do most of the conversion. I ran this tool for the commons-lang project and with a few exceptions it was mostly successful (the new version of ``@Test`` doesn't have an ``expected`` attribute. This conversion was declined (https://github.com/apache/commons-lang/pull/353) because the team wanted to refactor/optimize the test code while updating to JUnit 5. If you're only interested in the tests being converted to JUnit 5 at this point, I'd be happy to give the tool a try on our codebase (or you can of course).

The pseudo-official community curated project is [JUnit Pioneer](https://github.com/junit-pioneer/junit-pioneer) and the converter code was recently donated as a separate project by @boyarski - https://github.com/junit-pioneer/convert-junit4-to-junit5. Let me know if you'd like some help with this!

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